Borghetto Italy Maternity Photography | Ique and Mara



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Couples photography, Lifestyle Photography, maternity, travel

Ique and Mara met in Romania a few years ago, and fell madly in love. They first moved to Spain, and now they are living in Northern Italy.  Together, hand in hand they have traveled  all over the world, and they are about to embark on their biggest adventure. This session was extra special to me because Ique is Brazilian and does not speak any english, and Mara’s first language isn’t english either. We had to mostly translate through body image and expressions and I loved how much further it pushed me to be an artist. We met in this little picturesque town on the outskirts of Verona Italia  named Borghetto and it was a perfect backdrop for their spring maternity session.

IQue și Mara întâlnit în România în urmă cu câțiva ani , și a căzut nebunește în dragoste . S-au mutat mai întâi în Spania , iar acum ei trăiesc în nordul Italiei . Împreună , mână în mână au călătorit peste tot în lume , și ei sunt pe cale să se angajeze pe cea mai mare aventura lor . Această sesiune a fost foarte specială pentru mine , deoarece Ique este brazilian și nu vorbește deloc limba engleză , iar prima limbă Mara nu este limba engleză , fie. A trebuit să traducă mai ales prin imaginea corpului si expresiile si am iubit cat de mult mai departe ma împins să fie un artist . Ne-am întâlnit în acest orășel pitoresc la marginea Verona numit Borghetto și a fost un decor perfect pentru sesiunea de primăvară de maternitate .
Verona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination PhotographyVerona Italy photographer Leanne Rose Photography Italy Destination Photography


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